Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Mostly meetings today, so almost no work done. I did buy a jar of honey home, with one of my pine cones on a gift tag.
This isn't a great photo quality vise, but I really love the reflection in the little creek. It's been snowing today to and the kind of cold with creaky snow.
Two good new: one is that my computer will suffer no damage with the cracked screen, so it's no rush to fix it, and the other is that I got an answer from one of the service places and the price for fixing it was less expensive than I thought. So, next step is to reach out to the insurance company to see if I can get help there - which at least I read on their website last Friday, that computers over 5 years old has 20% of the current value as- whatever it's called... tired brain. Not sure I can get whatever it's called for such a 'small' amount of cost for the repairs, but unless I ask, I'm not going to know.
I've been a bit lousy on visiting journals and answering comments... I'll do better soon, that's a promise. 

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