Happy Daze

By Dazed

Rhinestone Cowboy

I've had that song in my head since I started glueing these little buggers to my bra. They keep popping off at will but I don't think I want to carry a tube of superglue with me on the walk tonight!

I'd intended for today to be a day for total relaxation and preparation but instead I ended up cleaning my flat from top to bottom. My thinking is that this way it will be easier for me to relax tomorrow when I really need to. The last thing I will need is the demon OCD voices needling me with 'this place could really do with a hoover...'.

I'd also meant to spend some quality time on blip today and catch up with some journals and commenting but twas not to be. It will be a perfect activity for tomorrow, when I'll no doubt be horizontal all day.

So! A-Moonwalking I go! :)

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