Happy Daze

By Dazed


I took this just before we set off at about five past midnight this morning - we were in the last group to set off, the 'pinks'. For some reason my camera logged this as being 23.05pm and the picture I took of the castle (illuminated in pink!) as being taken at 11.47pm. This has never happened before - why now?!

Anyway, Nicki and I completed the half moon in a respectable 3 and a half hours which works out at about four miles per hour taking the crowds and the odd bottleneck into consideration. It was absolutely fantastic and we had perfect walking weather, nice and cool and clear with a decent breeze. The atmosphere was great and walking round Arthur's Seat in the pitch black was definitely an experience! My Mum and Stepdad popped out near Blackhall at about 2.45am to say hello and provide us with some very welcome orange wedges. Well, they were welcome to me but not Nicki who is rather bizarrely afraid of oranges but some of the other walkers appreciated eating her share!

It was an amazing feeling reaching the finish line and I feel chuffed to bits today, if achy! Definitely think I'll sign up for next year but I'm not sure if I could tackle the whole 26 miles- big slaps on the back for everyone that did.

I think I may treat myself to an alcoholic beverage this evening :)

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