Dancing Ledge

I have never visited this part of the Country before, but hopefully we will be back; it is quite beautiful - rolling and green, both gentle and dramatic.

After the challenge of cooking a 'full English' for six on two gas stoves in what felt like a gale force 7, we walked a couple of miles to Dancing Ledge.

It makes up part of the Jurassic coastline, chock full of fossils and strange lava-like rock formations that give it it's name - something to do with the legend of the devil dancing on the beach.

Despite the sun cracking the flags, this woman is clearly made of stronger stuff than us; that water was freezing - Jane managed her toes for about 15 seconds, the rest of us too chicken to take our socks off.
Besides, the excellent Square & Compass was calling from another couple of miles away (I say calling 'us', it was mostly Matt, who has been looking forward to it all week).

And, I am very pleased to report that it did not disappoint - serving pasties and pints from a hatch about three foot square, the Square & Compass is a must if you are ever passing by this neck of the woods.
We sat outside in the sun and spent a very pleasurable couple of hours, only tearing ourselves away when we remembered there was a couple of miles back to camp.

Sometime later, we are very well fed and huddling round the remains of the barbeque - we are all red of face, neck, nose, ears, knees (delete as appropriate) - you have to watch that wind you know!

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