Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Lazy, lazy blip…

… These poor long-dehydrated flowers have been lingering for weeks. Don’t look too hard. (They’re in a dark corner of the house and I’ll be composting them any day now. Probably). Please don’t judge me.

They are a ‘lazy blip’ because I’ve been (stupidly, my own fault) hectic. And today has been a ‘breather’.

I’m not one of life’s confident drivers.
In honesty I’ll do all I can to avoid having to be behind the wheel at all.
But, a situation had occurred at work where I really had little choice but to ‘person up’ and drive. So, with all the sleepless worry that went with it, I ‘went off’ (like Julian Dick and Ann, George and Timmy the Dog*) to beautiful Lincolnshire.
Everything went well. (An unexpected bonus).
But, it was beyond wonderful to arrive home safely yesterday onto our own crunchy-with-ice driveway. And it was a bit of a confidence boost to boot, because I never (EVER) would have done the trip by choice.
Proper Big Girl Pants were donned.

Tomorrow, I hope to be rested and revived and back to commenting.

(* Famous Five anyone?).

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