Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium



When we woke up this morning the weather was miserable: grey, cold and very wet, so I sheltered inside one of the RSPB lighthouse centres while Luce and Nick got soaked doing some more productivity studies.

Our plan for the day was to try to tag some more razorbills, but with the rain we were a bit worried that we'd have to change our plans - scrambling around wet cliff faces is never good! Thankfully after lunch the sun came out and it was an absolutely beautiful day, so hot and sunny. We were able to take Luce's dog, Jack, out with us for part of the afternoon, on a beautiful walk around the South coast of the island, where the cliffs are just stunning. We saw plenty of birds and sheep (of course), lots of sunbathing seals, and a group of very rare golden hares.

In the evening we did a big hike to try to tag some more razorbills, but unfortunately it wasn't possible this time - one approach was too dangerous and on the other the birds hadn't laid yet. We were absolutely exhausted after a big climb back up to the top of the cliff, so Luce and I cooled off in a lake on the way home. A lovely end to an amazing day!

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