Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Another day...

... another hike!

Today was my last day on Rathlin, after what has been an amazing short trip. It's been so lovely to see what Lucy does on a day-to-day basis, I have a whole new respect for anyone who does this kind of work! They basically hike around the island all day, every day, and the work itself is often stressful, frustrating and sometimes dangerous. Unsurprisingly, they're both exhausted every evening - I was only there for three days and I'm knackered! This morning we went back to Sunday's site, to try to retrieve the tags from the razorbills there, but we weren't as lucky this time! After lunch I was back on the ferry and heading for the mainland, I really didn't want to leave.

This trip was exactly what I needed this month, I was getting so fed up with weddings but now I feel refreshed and really looking forward to my next one this weekend. Going to Rathlin is like stepping back in time: very few services, hardly any phone signal, no internet, no emails. I felt like I had been transported back to the 1950s listening to President Obama's speech from Belfast on a wind-up radio!

It was great to get so much exercise this week too, I can't remember the last time I hiked so much - probably over 5 years ago - and it reminded me how much I love being out in the outdoors. It was also amazing to see Luce, we only see each other a couple of times a year so it's really special to spend this time together. All in all, a fantastic trip!

PS: I've backblipped a couple of photos from the previous two days on Rathlin if anyone's interested :)

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