
By Sonset25

Black Atlantic

Lovely morning dog walk in mellow temperature as the sun was rising.  

Quick supermarket and market shop then headed to the Fitzwilliam Museum.  I've  been wanting to see the Black Atlantic exhibition on slavery, Cambridge University's past involvement and wealth acquired as a result and depiction of slaves in art and much more.

I was overwhelmed and will return for a second visit.  While there Benjamin Zephaniah's words on his refusal to accept an OBE came to mind.  Colonialism has been obscenely exploitative.  

I once worked with an artist, Lewis Todd at the then Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - MAFF.   He was given an OBE for his long career as an illustrator for local newspapers and work at MAFF.  Though glad to receive it he frequently referred to it self-deprecatingly as Other Bastards' Effort.  

Feeling lazy so it's baked potatoes for dinner.

Stay safe, warm and dry.

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