Friends with Tired eyes

tooli text the other day.

dad  can you tell me how to make a steak.pie 

Dad then sat down and typed up instructions

Her department were having a get together on one of the apartments and everyone was bringing 

So yesterday we were bombarded with pictures of meat in the supermarket ... Asking her dad to pick out the beef she needed because they don't have 'topside' or 'rump'

Meat chosen.  Pastry bought.  Sorted 

This morning after her fourth ten k in four weeks she set about cooking

We got photos of the meat cooking and whether or not it was cooked / needed drained / etc 

Then the finished product.  Apparently there were Brussel sprouts too. 

It was a.massive success and we told her she can do ours at New Year 

She said not 

I forgot she reverts to 10 when she come home and can't or isn't allowed to.use the cooker 


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