
By FlyingPRGal

Le Creuseut, Boobs & Cocktails

This morning a 6am alarm call for Vicki and I to head to Brighton for a Le Creuseut factory sale. Ended up with quite a few Christmas gifts and some new coffee mugs for me. Popped into my parents for coffee enroute back to Kent, lovely to see them.

Will hosted another cocktail party tonight. It was so much fun. I drank tea to warm up after being cold all day then he made me the best espresso martini. We all giggled until well after midnight which I needed after today...

Appointment at the breast clinic today at Maidstone Hospital for a rapid referral due to something I found a few weeks ago. Examination by the breast surgeon who was brilliant, MRI and then an all clear. No need for another mammogram or biopsy. Phew!

Family history on my maternal side is pretty scary (2 aunts, 1 great aunt, 1 great grandmother, 2 second cousins) and there’s ovarian cancer on my paternal side with my Nan which all combined puts me in a high risk category. I had the genealogy interview nine years ago and have had 10 mammograms since then. Once a year then extras when I’m recalled for something they don’t like the look of.

Turns out the lump and pain I’ve been getting is due to density and hormones. The Doctor said I’m not yet perimenopausal (yay) so it could be exercise and stress related. Advised me to relax more. Thankfully he said NOT to stop or decrease my swimming activity and be happy I have boobs of a thirty something (this made my friend DB laugh when I told him).

Please check your lemons girls AND guys!!

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