
By AlrightFlower

You can tell he's a guy, right?

Beautiful, but boy what a show off!

I've been on a lot of buses today - six I think? I had a lovely relaxing morning - it was sort of necessary given the humungous (free) breakfast I had (I'm still not really hungry) lol. Got on a bus to Sandown, and mooched around for while until the bus to the Seaview Wildlife Encounter was due. What a great place, I have loads of photos, there are ducks everywhere with little ducklings, loads of birds, meercats, otters, wallabies and loads of other animals. As you can see, the peacocks were very showy ;-)

Onto another bus then to Ryde, and the next one to Braden, where there's a Roman villa. Well, the remains of one, obviously... I wasn't there for long, but it was 3.45 by the time I arrived and I quite fancied a lie down - all this sightseeing is hard work you know! And the loud woman next door was awake before 6am today, hence so was I :-(

Got back to the hotel at around 5.30 and went for a lovely swim - it's only a small pool, but I had it to myself so I splashed about a bit. I used to be able to do front crawl but I've sort of forgotten how, and I didn't want to try it in the pool at work and make an idiot of myself in front of everyone by needing lifeguard rescue!

Haven't really done anything this evening, talked to my brother for an hour and watched a bit of TV. Might try going out tomorrow - shocker, I know!


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