Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Walking through the market

I spent the day with friends outside Winchester, which was lovely!  Plenty of laughs.  I was dropped back at the Broadway as it was starting to get dark, so I could get my blip. 

My shots are therefore of the market.  Bear in mind this is not the Christmas market, just the street market.  This shot is of one of the stallholders hiding behind some of her bric-a-brac and in Extras is a longer view of the High Street to give you some idea of just how full of people it was!

I also went into the small church of St Lawrence, where we used to have choir practise.  Apart from the vicar, it contained a couple of musicians warming up for a performance.  In there I also met Ram, who tells me he is a professional photographer (exhibitions all over Europe and work in the Nat Portrait Gallery, he said).  Well of course I couldn't leave it there so I told him who I used to take pictures with/for, Chris Moore.  Ram actually became rather polite.  I felt good about that, hehe!

Okay, that's me for now.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend  xx

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