
By StillLearning

Poppy Head

I really like poppies.

I like the way the seeds hand about the soil for years waiting for their time. I like their flimsiness as they shoot up. I like the way the flower head is held in its own case waiting for the right time. I like the fragility of the petals that you think can only last for minutes but they hang around for weeks. I like their vibrant colours demanding to be seen. I like the seed heads which are left as a reminder of what has been and as a promise of what will be.

The first ornamental poppy burst open today. So out with the macro lens and snap.

I had a few shots of the whole flower but the colour was uncontrollable. There must be a specially-for-bright-red-poppies setting on the camera.

I think I have just decided to have more poppies in the garden.

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