
By Mrsmacdub

More socialising

We cooked scrambled eggs, tomatoes and toast for breakfast with our friends this morning.  It’s been so nice having them to stay - our first house guests.  They left reasonably early, so I got a load of washing into the machine, out on the line to dry in the sun and wind, and was able to bring it all in before we left for a Christmas gathering.  Firstly, though, we had household chores to do and some food to prepare to take with us to the gathering, which was the “Not the Newcomers’ Group Christmas Party” party (work that one out!!).  We met some new people, chatted, and generally enjoyed the afternoon.

When we arrived back home our erstwhile plasterer was working in the entrance hall and had almost finished the third coat.  He’ll be here tomorrow at 7am to do the sanding, something I’m not looking forward to.  We spent some time this evening moving things into the second and third bedrooms and getting drop sheets to hand ready to cover as much as possible before he arrives.  I think we’ll be moving them from room to room to try to keep the dust off the furniture and computers.

We’re having an early night so we can get up early and prepare.  

Apologies, but I haven’t had time to check in on blip today and it’s very much an emergency blip.  No prizes for guessing what it is, but you’re welcome to try.

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