Oooops up inside your head
When did Sundays become so bleugh.
Many moons ago - this was my Sunday afternoon spot.
My mate and I would doll ourselves up and head on down for the Sunday Afternoon disco.
1 pm. And the place was jumping. Admittedly it was more troublesome on a Sunday afternoon than most other days. Manys an afternoon Fee and I were to be found on our butts behind the bar shielding from the missiles which flew from one end of the disco to the other.
Many a drink was quaffed and when we emerged at 6pn we ALWAYS without fail would exclaim, "It's still light"
Depending on the Monday plans, the weekend might end there, if it was only Work, and there was nothing spectacular planned there, we would head next Door to Pebbles, for the Sunday Night Disco.
It was non-stop party.
In fact, when I think back We started on a Wednesday - a gentle affair, Thursdays were "grab a granny" night - cheap drink for the ladies. and 70's hits played. Friday - weekend started for real.
Drinks in JD's, The Smugglers, McIntyres, McKelvies, (We'd skipped the Lonsdale, and the Harbour, and the Ailsa),. Then Either Loans. for the Bruce Inn, or Anchorage, or Pebbles.
Saturday was a repeat.... but never the same venue twice in a row.
None of that now. No Pebbles, No Bruce In, No Anchorage Disco (I think they even did away with their function suite) .
There are still pubs, but the social element of partyaing appears to have died out.
Do you think it is to do with the Scottish Governments price restrictions on alcohol?
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