
By FlyingPRGal

Charing Lights

The village lights looked pretty in the drizzly rain today. I ventured to the corner shop for lemon and ginger tea and somehow ended up with two bars of chocolate and jammy dodgers. I got home and made a cup of tea which went cold on account of an argument on the phone.

My friend DB was due to stay this weekend to go Christmas tree shopping, swimming and to cook a roast together. He blew me out to work in the hangar on aircraft engines.

I was unamused and told him so on the phone this evening when he called to tell me all about the engine work and the flying club Christmas lunch which I suspect was the real reason he cancelled our plans.

I’ve told him if he continues to be flaky don’t bother calling me anymore as this is not the first time he’s let me down. He said he’ll review his workload tomorrow and try to visit Tuesday to go swimming together. Watch this space…

I asked several friends and neighbours if anyone was visiting the Faversham Christmas Market so I could go swimming today. No luck. It’s a 1hr 40 min journey by train and bus so not practical. The Ashford pool is closed due to a heating problem and Tenterden is also tricky by public transport. Feel like I’m in lockdown again and very grumpy.

My hip is aching (which is normal when I don’t exercise) but my shoulders and back still ache from the accident. Apparently this is normal when the airbags go off. I also can’t sleep and have hardly eaten since. Don’t know if it’s the shock or the worry or both. Sorry to read that my friend LaLa’s son had an incident today where his airbags were deployed too. So glad he was okay.

An industry colleague is having an even worse time than me and has been forced out of their home for Christmas to stay in an air b n b due to building issues. They put out a crowdfunding plea today. I donated the money I would have spent on petrol this week even though I’m hardly flush myself. I wanted to do something positive today as I feel like it’s been all tears and tantrums. Something positive needs to happen soon.

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