
By FlyingPRGal

Sibling Love

Met my Bro (in law) S today who attended an inquest for his older brother at the coroner’s court in Maidstone. Verdict was inconclusive but not suspicious, most likely the heart. A tough day for my Bro S but I’m pleased I could meet him afterwards and give some moral support as his hubby (my Bro L) was on night work last night after a busy four day shift.

Bro S asked me to read some of the coroner’s report to judge whether he could cope with reading it today. It was not easy reading. My advice was to skim read it another time. Or not to read it at all. He has decided to wait a week or so and then read it for some kind of closure.

We had coffee in Pret then a shop in Waterstones for young nieces and nephews Christmas presents so it was a lighthearted distraction before it was time for his long bus ride back to Brighton. I hugged him so hard I didn’t want to let go.

The photo is the Christmas lights at County Hall viewed from the train station. Funny to think I used to walk past this building every day on the way to work at the Kent film office in the adjacent office block. Last time I worked in house from that location was the week before the first lockdown of 2020… seems so long ago now.

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