
By KimberlyJenkins

German Friends

Having school today was perfect. We woke up and ate at 9, I had delicious bread and this thing that is chocolate on the outside and marshmallowy on the inside and looks like an upside down jello packet, but you smoosh it in the bread. It was beautiful. After we ate we went to play mini golf behind the communal swimming pool area with volleyball and whatnot (ein Schwimmbad). It was supah cheap compared to American prices, but the courses ranged from a simple curvey line to the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I walked up to one and there was a pond. In the middle, separating you and the hole. How? Another one I came up to and there was a ramp about the size of the second step of a stair case and a tiki head thing with a net for a mouth. The objective to get it in the net seemed impossible. I couldn't do it and thought I was going to die trying and eventually gave up. Then Franzie walks up to the tiki head and boom. One try. Nonetheless it was supah fun. After this we went to DM (which is the equivalent to a CVS or something) and bought some junk and then had some extra time so we went to the grocery store next door and just looked around. The comparisons I saw was the overall size of the store (compared to Wal Mart, at least) was immensely smaller, but probably the same as a Food Lion or something like that. We also went to the alcohol section and good lord there were like 4 rows dedicated to all mediums of alcohol. Pretty intense. After this we went to the local lake which was really fun. They had knee boarding, wake boarding, skiing (all lead with a harness), and one of those blow up trampoline things. This looked like the only public entrance to the lake, and because the weather has been beautiful there were tons of people there. The water, however, was extremely cold. I'm definitely not used to it, but there were people jumping off the trampoline and swimming, throwing water balls and whatnot. The plan was to go with Franzie's friend, Miriam and then some of their friends also showed up. It was pretty fun, but I never want to intrude on the conversation because of how much slower it always has to go because I never understand much....but I did intercede some and then just read for the rest of the time. We had to leave early, however, because we had plans with Hanna, Marie, and Katrin(i think...). We met and ate Döners, which I guess are the German equivalent to Gyros. It was delicious!! We also got ice cream and then went to a park nearby and played on the playground and sat around and talked. It was the best conversation i've had since i've been here. OH! I forgot to mention that Marie is Hanna's exchange student also from Germany. So, the conversation was at the perfect speed because everyone understood what it was like and sympathized better. Which was awesome. Its not that I expect everyone to do that, but it is nice to be able to joke and add to a conversation instead of sitting there awkwardly trying not to look confused. Marie's german is a lot better than mine, which kinda sucked to see, but its nice to talk to someone in English when we both don't know whats going on in German. Ich bin nicht allein!! After this we went home and talked with Hanna and Marie some more and then went to bed!! Tomorrow we have to get up early and go to school, and then go see a woman's soccer game! whoop!! I hope its a lot of fun :D

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