
By ayearinthelife

Comedy Tonight

We’ve travelled down to London for a couple of nights and this evenings entertainment is “Peter Pan Goes Wrong”. This is from the same group who do the hugely successful “The Play That Goes Wrong” and I think this will be the third time we’ve seen it.
As someone who has been involved in amateur pantomimes for the past thirty years, I think I can say I’ve come across most of the “disasters” portrayed on stage. Of course, we make these mistakes by accident, but it is much harder to do the same things night after night, whilst still making it look as if everything is randomly going wrong. That takes professionalism, timing and a lot of rehearsal!
The train journey down was - thankfully - uneventful and our hotel is pleasant enough. We’re out in Stratford so are using the super fast Lizzie Line to get in and out of town - so much better than the rattly old thing that took us from Euston to Tottenham Court Road.
The show was extremely funny - I haven’t laughed so much for ages. Time now to have a wander around Leicester Square and find something to eat before heading back to the hotel.

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