Li Bien

I’m sure I won’t be alone amongst blippers in feeling sad when The Pier closed their doors some years ago. Still, many of my Christmas items had their origin in that Aladdin’s Cave of a store. 

Perhaps my most treasured possessions from that era are my Li Bien Christmas ornaments - commemorative glass baubles delicately hand painted on the inside using the finest brush. Each year, I would buy the current version, beautifully nestled in its velvet box secured with a little gold fastener; and each year now, the collection is brought out, each delicate glass bauble taken from its nest and hung carefully with bated breath upon the tree. 

So today, my Tiny Tuesday blip is a close up of a Li Bien lute-playing angel, the delicate hand painting far from flawless, but beautiful nonetheless.

Thanks to Jenny for hosting. 

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