...that when I started back in 2013, I would make this HUGE number, but today is my 4,000th entry, with no back blips and posting every day, so I thought I would use one of my new apps to make this - and you all know how much I like my apps!  This one is called PHINSH and I believe it was my Blip friend, Mumof4Wildlings, who introduced me to this one. 

I decided on four themes - the first - the 4 - is composed of selfies of Mr. HCB and me - together with  various friends scattered amongst them.

The second - a zero - is made up of many of my abstracts taken over the years, some of which were part of a challenge I set myself to take 100 Abstracts to raise money and awareness for the Mamie Martin Fund, whose aim is to advance the education of girls in secondary schools in North Malawi.  From these abstracts I raised almost £1,200, with help from many friends and that included many Blip friends too. 

The third theme - another zero - is birds - and these are either birds that have come into our garden, including robins, blue tits, greater spotted woodpeckers, starlings and many others or birds we have seen when we have been out and about, including red kites, kestrels, swans and herons.

The fourth zero contains many of the lovely flowers all from our garden, grown mainly by Mr. HCB, but some of them I helped to grow, when I was able to get out in the garden more - but I hope to be back next year, working alongside Mr. HCB.

So, here I am - still here and still blipping every day - for almost 11 years - and will I continue - well, I hope so because it has just become second nature to go out and look for something each day that will be interesting to those looking at my Blips.  And then, of course, for me, the writing is part of my Blip - I know it is often “wordy” but that’s me and I am definitely a WYSIWYG!  You know I love to do research into my subjects, and I hope that I make this interesting to those reading.

And, of course, my collage is surrounded by the colour purple - because it’s MY colour, as many of you know - and you can never have too much purple!

Do I always feel like Blipping - no - but at least it makes me use my brain to write something each day and although in the last few months since my back surgery, I have been rubbish at commenting on other people’s Blips, I know I would miss this wonderful community of people if I stopped.  

Would Mr. HCB like me to take less photographs of him - yes, he would, but as long as I am blipping and he is by my side, then it’s really a no-brainer - I will still be taking shots of him, whether he likes it or not!  Quite honestly, I couldn’t do what I do without him, so thank you Mr. HCB for always being there for me and for encouraging me when I feel down.  You are really the star here, not me!  

With love to everyone and many thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts - and especially to those friends who no longer Blip themselves, but who still look, read all my words and comment on them.  Bless you all!  M xx 

P.S.  It is a wide shot, with all these combined, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with the theme - which is just like me - take your shot, do a bit of farnarkling and THEN look at the theme!  Some things never change but I hope that as today is a special day, I will be forgiven!

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