
By jennym999

In the cycling studio

Today I did a lot of Christmas related tasks….put up the outdoor lights, finished the cards to be hand delivered, put up display of cards we have received etc. Checked wrapping paper and made some labels out of old Christmas cards from last year! 

I decided to go to the gym this afternoon and as there were no spinning classes scheduled I went into the cycling studio and managed to sort out the programme for a virtual tour. There are no instructions and it can be tricky to get the sound working as for spinning classes there is a different system of music and instructions on a different audio channel by the instructor. I find doing this virtual class raises the heartbeat much better than on an exercise bike in the gym upstairs. 

The river had flooded into the Lensbury grounds, I had never seen it come up so high just by the weir at Teddington. But not surprising after all the rain we’ve had.

My task this evening and in the  next few days in spare time is to try and sort out our mixed boxes of Lego into the kits to make the many different items our children had, for the grandchildren. Fortunately I kept some instructions and the box covers which have photos. But it’s a mammoth task. Expect some blips! 

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