Anrheg arall o'r cymdogion

Anrheg arall o'r cymdogion ~ Another gift from the neighbours

“… couldn’t everyone’s life become a work of art? Why should the lamp or the house be an art object, but not our life?”
― Michel Foucault, (‘On the Genealogy of Ethics’)

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Mae ein crefftwyr wedi bod ar waith eto. Y tro hwn maen nhw wedi cynhyrchu anrhegion cerflun gwlân o anrhegion. Nadoligaidd iawn - hyd yn oed yn y glaw.

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Our craftsmen have been at work again. This time they have produced a wool sculpture of gifts. Very festive - even in the rain.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Top gwau ar flwch post
Description (English): Knitted top on a postbox

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