Adeiladu pethau
Adeiladu pethau ~ Building things
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”
― Niels Bohr
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Dw i wedi bod yn gwneud addurniadau Nadolig o Lego: Siôn Corn, carw, dyn eira, ac anrheg. Mae'n dipyn o hwyl.
Ar ben yr ardd rydw i wedi bod yn adeiladu rhywbeth mwy heriol a mwy lawr i'r ddaear. Rydw i wedi gorffen trwsio'r ffens. Unwaith roedd y baledi yn ddiogel, gwnes i eu gorchuddio â phren wedi'i achub o'r ffens wedi torri. Rydw i'n hapus bod y ffens newydd yn gryf - cryfach na'r hen ffens, rydw i'n meddwl.
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I've been making Christmas decorations from Lego: Santa, a deer, a snowman, and a present. It's a lot of fun.
At the top of the garden I've been building something more challenging and more down to earth. I've finished mending the fence. Once the pallets were secure, I covered them with salvaged wood from the broken fence. I'm happy that the new fence is strong - stronger than the old fence, I think..
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Addurniadau Nadolig Lego
Description (English): Lego Christmas decorations
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