Life through the lens...

By ValC

Lord Mayor's Carol Service

Each year one of our Christmas highlights was the Lord Mayor’s Carol Service at Leeds Town Hall. ( see Blip 15 Dec. 2016)
We missed a couple of years because of Covid and now the Town Hall is closed and the service was held in Leeds Minster.
A beautiful church which I haven't been in before. 
Before the service we had a look round Leeds  including the Christmas Market and the lights.
Stopped for a glass of mulled wine in the Victoria Quarter. Something I always enjoy at Christmas.
Then made our way to the Minster.

We were entertained by the Rothwell Temperance Band, and the Leeds Philharmonic Chorus. Unfortunately it was difficult to see either.
We did enjoy the music however and joining in with the carols, but it didn't have the same atmosphere.
Hopefully it will be back in the Town Hall next year

Had to get a taxi home as the hourly bus didn't turn up and we didn't fancy waiting another hour incase that one didn't come either. 

Extra collage of the lights.

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