
By Akasha


Husband has promised this for my birthday in around 5 weeks......think he may have to copper up a bit for it first. Saw this and a couple of others of a similar £bracket swinging around on lazy lines in Corfu marina. Cant help but try and imagine what kind of people own and live that kind of life! Clearly they have never heard of the recession...
Wondered around the fortress this afternoon looking at old stuff, quite interesting. Corfu old town is a maze of little nooks and crannies with little shops (all selling the same old tat) Had a lovely lunch there.
Driving through Corfu town was a bit hair raising!!!! Its survival of the fittest...ohh and stop sign mean absolutely nothing...for God sake if your driving out here dont be a gracious driver because if you are be prepared for someone to yell "Malaka!" at you.
I have back blipped from last Friday if anyone wants to see my quirky holiday.

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