Barry's Day

Today the memorial for Barry Humphries was held at the opera house and Anniebelle and I attended.
When I'd first heard about it I'd hopped online and scored a couple of tickets.
I'm very glad I did as it was a real treat. 
The music was wonderful, as were almost all the speeches.
There were luminaries from every area and we had fun spotting the celebrities afterwards.
The first extra is of John Howard, who was prime minister from 1996 to 2007, and his wife Janette.
I blipped our current pm earlier this year, so I might make it a project to find some more .
If I hang around Potts Point I might score Paul Keating.
There were quite a few people who'd made an effort, including the two in the second extra.

It doesn't take much for the sails of the opera house to be lit up, and in fact I was pleased to read that such events are going to be cut right back
Still, I couldn't resist making a flying visit into Circular Quay to see and photograph Barry's sails.
The gladdies are an excuse to tag it for Flower Friday.
Thanks Biker Bear.

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