
Run out of time here.

The bane of my life is logins that don't let you in.

1. Is the NHS Wales log in app, which insists on you going through the process of re-registering each time you log in. I cannot get my repeat meds via EMIS now, but have to use the Wales NHS app. The Wales NHS site promises everything with this app, but delivers nothing. I manage to finally get into it, to discover a very poorly designed obscure repeat prescription form. And there is no box to tick to say where you can collect your meds or paper prescription. Everything else the Wales NHS app promises ,what I get from my surgery is, 'you do not have permission to access this', 'your surgery does not provide this option', 'this is not available from your surgery', and so on. Just the same as the other online apps/log ins that my surgery used.

2, I went out this morning to collect my Amazon parcels. BUT, the Amazon device the Post Office uses would not allow them to enter the Amazon log in. It kept them locked out, so, despite taking other ID they said they could not give me my parcels until scanned by this device....

I fell asleep when I got back this morning, because of the futility of this morning, and because I had to go and search and buy a couple of things that were in my Amazon parcels that she could not give me, that I urgently needed, and also because my available energy for the day had now been expended.

A wasted day for me.

My creative, a Chinese drawing is only partially done. I do not have time nor inclination to finish it. So, I made a kaleidoscope of it. Then I made a second kaleidoscope of my green bedcovers, and blended them. I used the Laboscope app. Best I can deliver today.

The Wildlife nighttime video.
I used just one clip, it was a good one.
And it made editing easy for me this morning...
Cat Midnight & Fox & Badger all in the same frame - Midnight snarls...
26 seconds


Oh great, a troll has just visited that video. I have just despatched him and his Ignoramus comment...

Anyone else want despatching to oblivion today? Because I will happily oblige...

Have your best day today.

I would sleep more, but Midnight doesn't have any culinary skills in the kitchen, and I need breakfast...it is now nearly 1pm.

Oh, I nearly forgot.
You want to know about that parcel from yesterday from Kazakhstan?
Well, I was not going to open an unsolicited parcel.
There was a return address on it.
I googled.
A business.
An email address.
I emailed and told them I had ordered nothing, and that I would send it back, return to sender, and that they would have to pay the return postage on it (no idea if that was true or not, but bluff is useful sometimes).
Got the info back that it had been ordered from a Diane in the U.S.
That was all I needed.
I have a penfriend called Diane.
I sent her an email literally blasting her out of the water for not telling me. I was only partially joking...
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry she said, it's a Christmas present for you. I ordered it from Kazakhstan, I never thought it would have a return address from there on the parcel....????????

The parcel was plastered with what looked like Russian stamps.....

The mind boggles....

She could have landed me with custom fees...anything...

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