The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Sixth Sense

Dear O'H dear and The Mini Princesses,

Two of LTJ’s friends (L & K) came round to meet Lil Dude and we had a lovely few hours hanging with them. Also L had baked some very nice biscuits. I think I might make a new rule that all visitors should bring home baking!

The Prince and I abandoned LTJ and Lil Dude and went out with Kitty Cat and Marsh tonight for a joint birthday celebration for The Prince and Marsh (their birthdays are 5 days apart). We went for Mexican food with Margaritas (and didn’t see dead people*!). It was a great night. We were all excited to be out and Stockbridge was looking very beautiful and Christmassy.


*This happens to LTJ when she drinks tequila.

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