
By Beewriter

Robby the Bobby

I don't like football. When the children ask me which team I support I always tell them I don't support any. "But which one do you like?" they ask. "I don't like any." "But if you had to choose..." "I can't choose because I don't really like any." A conversation like this can go on for ages because I won't say a team and I won't commit myself to any. Some give me pitying looks and others are quite puzzled, I find it amusing.

The children had a talk by a rep from Bury FC and their mascot posed with some children for me. Apparently he is called Robby the Bobby after Sir Robert Peel who was born in Bury.

The guy inside the costume never said a word, even when there were no children about. He just stood with his arms folded in front of him, so it was hilarious when the children gathered around him. He didn't respond to them at all, but when I knelt down to take the pic his arms shot up. I guffawed inwardly and nearly wet myself. Thankfully I managed to control my bladder long enough to take the required shots.

With the photo shoot over Robby the Bobby just walked off back to his car with Dean the rep. He didn't even remove his head.....such a charmer ha ha ha.

Prep 6 children are doing a young enterprise challenge. They had £10 per group to buy things to sell at the Summer Fair...they are going to decorate biscuits and cakes. I went with half the class to Asda to purchase their items this afternoon. Sian and I sat in the cafe and had a cuppa whilst they went off to choose what they wanted. We kept seeing stripy blazers zig zagging across the store. It is a great idea and they were so excited about their challenge. They are a lovely bunch of children and it is great to do these enjoyable things with them.

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