Cupboard tidying

I decided I had to clear our the store cupboard and date check before Christmas.  I found buried at the back of the cupboard a tin on Condensed milk.  I think I must have bought it at the beginning of the pandemic to have in reserve.. well... that worked and I reserved it.  When I rediscovered it today it was out of date so I have used it to make some festive tablet!!  It tasted fine so 'waste not, want not' as the saying goes!  It will ensure we don't have a waist at least!  On reflection I will have to bundle some up and deliver it in bags to friends.. we couldn't possibly eat all of this on our own!

We have done some furniture moving.. and I am finishing the last bit of my sewing before tackling my art space to clear it all up for Christmas. The table I use becomes essential for jigsawing and playing games by the fire.. so clear it I must!  Onwards...

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