Big bird
Hot day. Not in a nice way. It was so hot that any movement more vigorous than gently blinking was enough to exhaust you. The lack of sunshine made me convinced it was a day for gardening though, rather than lying around in a swooning fever, so out I went and dug, and planted... Standards slipped, I have to confess, and a lot of seedlings were shoved in the ground unceremoniously in big clumps. And I once again went against my 'every seedling deserves a chance' rule. I think having gone against it each time I've planted out seedlings this year means I can no longer state it as a house rule...
And there was a huge dove hoovering up the seed on the bird table.
I also realised today that I've stuffed up a bit date-wise (what a surprise, since I note that my 2012-13 diary is still unmarked....) and I cannot be at TallGirl's end of primary school celebration/present-giving/speeches. Oops. Instead I will be on a small boat an hour away getting very drunk with those Irish folk. (Who I blame entirely for my bad parenting on this occasion, and indeed on any other occasion I can pin on them.) But I will definitely try to work it out that at least TallGirl can go to the party.
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