Little bird
This, it was suggested to me by CarbBoy as I was getting all excited about there being a new bird on the table, is a young robin. Sure enough, after scouring the bird books, the only picture that looks like it is a juvenile robin. So well done CarbBoy. Seems like those *endless* nature walks/talks/Springwatches with MrB have paid off. This is a bit of a rubbish shot - I have nicer ones - but this shows the moment he spotted me with my lens pressed against the kitchen window (the next shot is a blur stage right...)
Mr B will be back any minute, and I have mango chutney bubbling away that has just got to the point where I really should be stirring it all the time... (I will just note for the record that I only spotted that Mr B had bought a few jars of mango chutney in the UK last week AFTER I had started cooking it...)
And yesterday is backblipped.
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