
By Marionb

Where to Begin?

I have been offline for a while as a result of being computer-less and also taken down by an episode of vertigo ... just one more of those ailments that come out of nowhere and knock you down for a few days.. that I am ready to try blipping again, do I bother back-blipping or do I just start from here and forget those lost days? They weren't all that exciting anyway...and there were days of no photos at it is best to just get something posted for today and worry about that later......

So what about today? Well, to start with, the room is not spinning so that is good...and another good thing? I am no longer computer-less. Whew! 

My old laptop was 8 years old and showing its age, being a bit of a curmudgeon, showing some impatience with all the things I was asking it  to do. I had been putting off the purchase of a new one, waiting for the new M3 to come out....and it did - come out that is... so at last, I have my shiny new MacBookPro with an up-to-date operating-system (Yay!) All my info seems to have been safely transferred over to it; so now all I have to do is figure out what's different and what is not....There is a bit of a learning curve ahead, but it will be worth the effort..

Life is good again...

Well, mostly..My friend Noreen, of "Dinner Cancellation" fame  has just phoned to say that once again this year, she has to cancel her "Christmas Day Dinner with Friends" ! Last year it was Covid; this year it is the flu!. Oh well....That's life in Flu-Covid-RSV season! 

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