Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


Today was a totally new experience for me.

Last week I stopped at the local florist to order some flowers. The florist shop is owned by a former classmate and friend so we chatted while she worked on a bouquet. Just catching up. The conversation went toward how busy she was and she needed a few short term delivery people for this week as she is inundated with orders. She asked if I knew anyone that might want to help out.

I thought about 10 seconds and then said “I can”! Her mouth dropped open and she said “was I sure?” So we talked and this morning and afternoon I delivered 10 arrangements. Maybe a total of 5 hours.

It was really good seeing happy faces when they opened the door and saw flowers. Real Christmas spirit even though I was not technically the giver.

Tomorrow I will be helping again.

And I get some Christmas cash at the end of the week!!!!

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