Starry Starry night.....

Today's Photo comes via Boy.; thank you Boy, it is Beautiful.

When Boy and J left Scotland the last time, they headed back to Georgia.   Georgia in  Eastern Europe, as opposed to Georgia Atlanta.

They had been there before.   

Two years ago, they had just lost their jobs teaching online, and with that, their income and their ability to travel the world at their leisure 

They took time in Tiblisi, living cheaper there than in Malaysia, to consider their future, and whether to end their travels or battle on. 

Spending time here, they climbed  Kazbek, 5047 meters of dormant Volcano.   Boy considered his climb, J took photos. 

There was a hotel there, with a bar with views overlooking the Peak.  They were too broke to even stay a night but promised when they had money they would go back and visit at the hotel. 

When they came down, Boy wrote a story of their travels and their climb,  they sent it to a Magazine and alongside J's Photos, they published it.  

J has established herself a fabulous online business; Boy is writing, every day, and loving it. Can't believe he is getting paid to verbalize the nonsense in his head. 

And this weekend, they re-visited Kazbek, climbed 2072 metres of it, to visit a Georgian Church situated under the peak.  

And they stayed at the hotel they wished that they could afford two years ago. 

In the Words of the late Great Alan  Rickman.  

Never Give Up.  Never Surrender. 


By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you shall be avenged.


Human beings have neither the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome power of God's true voice.

And that is all. 

I thank you.

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