Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

A Snowdrop

Has appeared unexpectedly the bulbs in my pot from last year have started to make an appearance and today the first flower :)

It's a bitterly cold day and I feel very tired.

 With a sore eye, it's been difficult to concentrate on applications as much as I need to.  I've got two long applications on the go at the moment and having to do them in stages....

I've spent some time cutting bushes back at lunchtime, and trying to make some origami stars but they're nit that successful yet.  Need practice!

This evening I might start a Christmas jigsaw in an effort to stay away from the screen...

Amazingly Charlie decided to go out front very first thing and came back in through the back date as she has done all the time we've lived here.  Also i found her in the garden when I took a coffee break!

I think she maybe feeling a bit better at last.  Hopefully I can cancel the vets appointment on Friday but I'll see how she is tomorrow.

And I'd forgotten I have an online art class tonight!  Rushes to make space!!

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