Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Looking rather tatty

these tulips have been on the windowsill for a week now...

Crazy day which started with Madam cat deciding to pooh on the carpet in my living room ;(:(  She has no excuse, newly filled litter trays in bedroom and kitchen :(  I was hoping to cancel the vet appointment I have tomorrow but perhaps I'd better keep it!

I went shopping to see if I could get a turkey joint that serves one-two people.  No chance, could not find one anywhere....  Sainsbury's have lost the plot - they've got signs up where they normally have turkey mince and steaks etc - but no meat - just all fancy dishes...  Frustrated - there must be other single people who want turkey at Christmas!

I started looking for work and got some good news, about a job I applied for yesterday through an agency - they think I have a really good chance for this role.  Its a role I haven't done for sometime fully, purchase ledger - though in my last role I did deal with a lot of invoicing.  Anyway, I had to write a letter explaining my background, it took 45 minutes!

In that time I received two phone calls regarding temporary roles which I'm being put forward for...and I'm still applying for other work!

That's been my day...Thank goodness its Friday tomorrow - might be going to that interview in Reading, and I have the cat to take to the vet...
so no rest, and I'm glad when its Saturday as its the weekend then (though I'll still look for some work in case anything is added to the websites).

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