Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been one of those busy days when you try to cram so much things, to get as much done as possible.
I've done laundry, twice, dishwasher, gingerbread dough x2/3, green tomatoes marmalade 2 1/2 jars (the half one stays with me and the rest goes to mum.), I've cleaned and I've cut out parts for my New Year cads (not making it to Christmas, so...). Thankfully I start later tomorrow, since we have a Christmas lunch at work.
In the middle of it all, the doorbell rang. I usually don't open, but today I did. It was my neighbour, brining me post that had ended up in his mail box instead (don't know why, my name is on mine and his on his... ). I got two parcels, one from the US, and two letters (yes, that's unusual). One of the letters was a Christmas card all the way from the US and from sweet blip friend Valentina. :) Thank you so much! :)
And, all the ordered Christmas gifts have arrived. That's a relief! 
It's been snowing all day, so winter wonderland is back. For how long, time will tell. 
Tomorrow will be another busy day, since I need to bake - or rather make the dough when I come home, for saffron biscotti x2/3 (that is: dough x2 and then divided almost into 3.).
Now bed. So tired.

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