Mull IV: Respite

For the first time we could see through the mist and rain to across the Little Minch to Coll. After some debate we settled on the six-mile circuit from the house along the raised beach from Treshnish Point to the steep zigzag path to the cleared village of Crakaig and then back via sodden moorland and the metalled road and finally the track through Treshnish farm to the house.

It was grand if changeable, a golden eagle imperious and ravens uncaring of our progress, the wind colder now but bringing breathtaking flashing low sun that lit the sombre spare palette into dazzling colour.

We returned to the house a little footsore, the damp finally finding its way through boot leather.

Later we had a get together with C and S, who put on a magnificent spread. It is always so lovely to catch up with news, compare notes and drink to solace and the warmth of community.

A solar storm alert popped across J’s screen on the ride home under a cathedral of stars - always so strange to see Orion here when he also shines over the house in the Casentino 2,500 kilometres away. The northern lights did not show but the night remained clear.

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