If Jackson Pollock Had Done Vinyl...

I had to got into town this morning as I had a financial matter to deal with - I'd been sorting through some old paperwork and came across details of a savings account which had expired several years ago and still had a not insubstantial amount of money left in it, which was a nice surprise.
I took the details into my building society but the lady at the desk didn't seem that keen to help. I'd checked before I left home what other paperwork I needed and realised I didn't have any photo i.d I could take with me but the building society's own website did confirm they would accept a tax document and a couple of up to date utility bills as identification - but the first thing she said was "I can't do anything without photo i.d".
I pointed out to her what it said on their own website and she rather grumpily agreed to continue to 'help' me. She then said "our records don't go back that far" and then seemed to miraculously find the details of my account but said that it had been closed "quite a few years ago" and they didn't know where the money had gone!! As you can imagine I was a bit dumbfounded by this!
She could only see that it had not been transferred to another account I have with them and suggested I try my bank to see if the money had been transferred there (which seemed odd as they don't have my bank details as far as I'm aware) or that I would need to claim the money back from the Government - it's a little known rule that a certain number of years after an account is closed your savings can be passed to the Government. They have not sent me any paperwork which confirmed either of these scenarios. It was all becoming a bit Kafkaesque!
So I walked down the road to my bank and couldn't have been met with a more different response. The guy I spoke to couldn't have been anymore helpful and was very friendly and chatty. He did say he thought it was unlikely the money would have  been transferred to them without the building society sending me written confirmation but he was happy to check. He said he couldn't access their records that far back on his system but he would order some bank statements from that time and post them out to me.
I must admit by this stage my head was spinning a bit, which today's image kind of represents. I needed to clear my mind a bit after taking in all that information so I had a walk around town and came across this display of old vinyl records in the window of a record shop. As soon as I saw them I thought of Jackson Pollock (a vinyl based artwork bargain for only £2 each surely!) and then the gloriously over the top Dead or Alive song You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - which I've tagged below - started playing in my head. A slightly surreal end to my rather discombobulating morning!


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