
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 55/73
Main activity: Thurs - St Pete, PAG
Notes: Slept later than expected, about 730a. Saved coffee for later, got ready and headed to Nancy's, took 3 Ball jars (the half gallon size since I got 6), one full of distilled water. We first walked over to Trader Joe's , about 3 blocks, and each got some things for the holiday weekend. Then we recorded the messages for her 2 bear gifts (for Kathy & Ellen ... of the gallery). Packed up the whole chicken, eggs, gingerbread cake and we both went to Bette's in Pass-A-Grille, took CiCi for a walk - was nice. Day mild and beautiful. Dropped Nancy off then downtown (31st Ave N) and headed back to Largo, talked to mom on the way. Opened my gift last night and was going to go by bank but never found an easy one to get into. Hot shower and heated the leftover salmon w/ broccoli and made rest of the kale into chips. Had my coffee w/ all of that. Quiet afternoon and evening tho did go over and visited for quite awhile w/ Wayne and JoAnn who are back in 1401 from Canada. Evening brought noise from below and realized a family w/ a small boy is moving in ... struck me pretty hard and feels like even more noise and disruption is coming. 

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