Place: St Pete Beach, FL 56/69
Main activity: Wed - errands, Andy's
Notes: Awake thru the night and then didn't get up till after 7a. Headed out soon after to hit Trader Joe's and Fresh Market before they got too busy. Wasn't super impressed w/ either one, got back way earlier than I thought. Headed out again 11a to South Pasadena, picked up gift certificate at a spa and then Earth Origins for a few things, took my time. Made turkey salad w/ fresh avo mayo when I got back and had for lunch with truffle chips. Around the house in the afternoon, Bette not having a good day and not feeling good, quite emotional several times. Andy's at  5p and I went over first and had a bit of time to chat with her before B joined. We were there then till about 745p - I love her house and the way she's decorated (her living room shown but doesn't fully capture the charm)! Totally a place I would want.

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