Bricks gone

I am so befuddled that I went to work half an hour early by mistake. But it turned out well because when I got home half an hour early the bricklayers were just packing up so we had a useful handover. The landscapers had already left, as I expected, and will be back in the new year. The garden will remain unreclaimed mud until at least then.

I moved the very last of the bricks in front of the greenhouse out of the landscapers' way last night and they removed the pallets this morning. See extra a fortnight ago and second extra a week ago for the gradual progress.

The next big move will be the greenhouse itself. 

I thought my garden would have to be on two levels, rising towards the back, but standing on what's done of the patio now I think I'll be able to make it all one level. I'm very pleased about that.

I spent the evening very happily at an alternative Christmas show with two theatre buddies I haven't seen for far, far too long. Luci and I were colleagues in a refugee charity and I met Owen when we were all supposed to be going to the theatre together and Luci was suddenly whisked away to help her sister in labour. Owen and I went to the pub afterwards and didn't stop talking for two hours. Among other things he is a poet and performer and the three of us have met convivially many times since, often in front of a stage.

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