Christmas Eve

More snow at night, so I had to do a ploughing round in the morning. Back home at noon for lunch. The boys had decorated the tree by then as they have done for more than 15 Christmases by now. Jussi continued ploughing while I had lunch. Then on to the traditional drive to take presents to the boys' godfathers' families and candles to the graveyard. In the blip it's the memorial for those buried elsewhere.

The weather was relatively good, -3°C and no wind, but we were there later than usual, after 3 pm a.k.a. after sunset, which made finding some of the graves more difficult. There was also more snow than usually, so the texts in the gravestones were partly hidden.

In the evening Christmas dinner at my brother's house together with our parents and his in-laws. Quite an extended family we have, nearly 30 people there! Santa brought a part of our presents there, but some were found under our tree afterwards.

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