
By FlyingPRGal

A Christmas Day of two halves

Christmas morning and Bro S and I started the day at 9am with coffee and chatter in the kitchen.

We pulled on our hiking boots and Santa hats and braved the wind and rain on the cliff top footpath. The weather really was pretty grotty but we had fun and said hello to fellow brave souls walking dogs or going for a run.

We had a chat at the end of the drive of one of Bro’s neighbours as she stood at her door in a dressing gown and slippers. She’s just home from New York and sadly brought covid home with her. We promised to do a belated festive drink when she’s recovered.

Bro S cooked up a yummy brunch and there was more chatter. It was lovely spending the morning together and we both said how lucky we feel to be in laws yet feel like true siblings. As Bro S lost his older brother a couple of months ago we’ve spent a lot of time together lately and I cherish every moment.

After brunch I headed off to mum and dad’s for Christmas dinner. I arrived just as the King’s Speech was about to start. Great timing!

An alert came through on the family chat. Bro L was one of 12 staff being sent home early 8 hours into his 12 hour shift. Woo hoo! He arrived home by 430pm and had time for a Power Nap before Bro L served up his dinner. So pleased for them both and in the end Bro S only had 1.5 hours on his own today.

Mum, dad and I popped open the cava before dinner and afterwards had a giggle opening a few stocking presents. Mum and I cleaned up the kitchen as dad was chef today, we played a few rounds of Shut the Box, watched a movie, debated why dark chocolate Toblerone isn’t available anymore… and no one got in a huff about anything. Hooray!

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