La vida de Annie

By Annie

En la iglesia del toro.

The plan was to go for a Christmas Day walk on the beach, but after too much food, and mayhem as the dogs went berserk over their presents, and the King's speech (which I missed in its entirety as I was trying to catch a budgie which escaped from its cage while I was inserting a Christmas treat stick), and The Sound of Music, and a couple of glasses of some fizzy wine + peach concoction, it was decided instead to take a leisurely drive up the mountain to catch the sunset. The latter was a bit of a disappointment as there was a big bank of cloud in just the wrong place (and I really wanted there to be sunbeams just so that I could correctly tag them as crepuscular rays). We went into the church and I lit candles for my family and for us and the animals. This is one of the stained glass windows inside, and the extra is a nativity scene Menorca-style, with peasants in traditional dress and even the iconic olivewood gates - great attention to detail.
Happy Christmas one and all.

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