Place: St Pete Beach > Largo, FL 6
Main activity: Tues - packing, gallery, Largo
Notes: Woke early but laid there awhile until I heard Bette get up. Packed up and loaded the car. Took CiCi for a walk and then helped w/ some stuff around the house before packing the cooler. Headed out and went to the gallery for a bit to take some photos to edit this week - didn't stay too long. Not happy about returning to Largo but headed back (took 49th St), talked to Mom and Al on the way back. Returned ~11a, unpacked & took a shower, realized I left my hair dryer at Bette's. Found one on Amazon that will come later today so can at least get by (and better to have a backup anyway). Talked to Nancy for a bit, edited a back/front of a photo but wasn't feeling it. Ate chicken leftovers and had some sauerkraut, still craving more carbs and sugars after the holiday. Watched some tv, feeling quite out of it, watched a Janine/JC Rumble video. Another headache started coming in the evening - went to bed early but was hard to find a comfortable position to fall asleep.

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