A Foggy Christmas Eve..
And not a reindeer in sight!
Another gloomy weather day and a misty evening. I went out in search of light...and not a lot of it to be had...the house with the over abundance of inflatables was aglow as usual, but lot a lot of houses were it up, and in our little local parkette? Nary a light..Not even a hint that it was Christmas Eve...
So? To the library I went to drop off my latest books read...and voila! At least an attempt at gaiety and light had been made...there was the usual lovely blue-light display, but the huge evergreen tree that used to tower over the courtyard? Gone..to be replaced with a more modern version (extra)..hmmmm.....
Back home, I had a quiet Christmas Eve..enjoying the lights of my own Christmas tree..a good book and some Christmassy treats...
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