Wishaw High School Staff

Today's the day ...................... for a moment in time

The above photograph is on page 180 of a book that Will gave me as a Christmas present this year.  It's quite a weighty tome, all about Wishaw High School, right from its founding in 1906 up to 1999 when the book was published.  It's full of information of all kinds about the school and compiled by A McMahon, who possibly was a headmaster at some point?

I found the book completely by accident a few years back in one of the many bookshops in Wigtown, to the west of here in Galloway.  The reason I noticed it at all was because I knew that my mother had taught there as a newly qualified teacher. I flicked through to the appropriate table (Appendix A) and to my absolute delight, there she was - Gibb, Miss Helen: 1944-47 Modern Languages.  Her teaching career was short because, back in those days as soon as you were a married woman, you had to stop?!  There was also a photograph of School Staff in the mid 40s with her, unmistakably right in the middle of the second row.  For a closer look see the extra.

How it came to be on the shelves of a Wigtown bookshop, I have no idea?  I didn't buy the book - and in fact, I really forgot all about it.  Will obviously didn't forget and secretly went back and found it again!  It was a delightful present to receive and has brought back many memories of her.

If you're interested, I have written a bit more about my mother here ....................... 

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